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Our Research Center

“Only when the last tree has been cut down, the last fish been caught, and the last stream poisoned, will we realise we cannot eat money.”

Our Mission

   The current challenges of environmental sciences are mainly studying and evaluating the effects of human activities on the environment. In the context of climate change, the mission of the Institute is to efficiently and constructively integrate the scientific research process with the aim of delivering environmental protection studies and technology of excellent standards.

   On the basis of efficient management, the Institute aims to conduct scientific research in optimal conditions and in accordance with national and international standards, with the legal provisions and the ethical principles, so that by participating in various research projects and programs it is possible to gain and to capitalize on new scientific knowledge in the field of environmental protection, providing solutions and good practices in line with the concept of Sustainable Development by promoting environmental preventive solutions. The Institute`s specialists aim particularly at contributing to the development of knowledge and encouraging communication in the relevant scientific fields. Their results are addressed both to the national and European public authorities and administrative bodies, to the scientific community, NGOs and to the population, by raising awareness concerning the need to protect the environment. The results obtained by the Institute are materialized by adopting win-win solutions that help to ensure a suitable environment for the present and the future generations.

   At the same time, emphasis is placed on attracting young researchers and training them in this complex field through mentoring and accountability step by step.

National Institute for Research and Development in Environmental Protection
Management Team


DEÁK György

Eng. Ph.D. Habil., CS I
General Manager


MATEI Monica

Scientific Director


BOBOC Mădălina

Director of Operations


TUFEANU Mădălina

HR Manager


LAZĂR Daniela

Economic Director



Deputy Director of Operations



Deputy Director of Operations


ILIE Andrei-Gabriel

Head of IT

Our Structure

The Scientific Council

The Scientific Council consists of the following members:

The following are permanent members:

Eng. DEÁK György Ph.D. Habil., CS I, General Director of INCDPM Bucharest
Dr. eng. MATEI Monica, CS II, President Scientific Council INCDPM Bucharest
Dr. eng. GHIȚĂ Gina, CS I, Member, INCDPM Bucharest 
Eng. chem. MARIA Cristina, CS I, Member, INCDPM Bucharest
Dr. eng. ILIE Mihaela, CS II, Member, INCDPM Bucharest
Ec. BOBOC Mădălina, CS III, Member, INCDPM Bucharest 
Dr. ecol. HOLBAN Elena, CS III, Member, INCDPM Bucharest 
Dr. ec. RAISCHI Marius, CS III, Member, INCDPM Bucharest 
Eng. TUDOR Georgeta, CS III, Member, INCDPM Bucharest 

Within the Scientific Council of INCDPM, invited honorary members are the following:

Professor Shinichi Akutagawa, PhD, University of Kobe, Japan. The acceptance of his reign as an honorary member of the Scientific Council on October 14, 2012 can be read here.
Emeritus Professor Shunsuke Sakurai, PhD, University of Kobe, Japan. The acceptance of his reign as an honorary member of the Scientific Council on October 16, 2012 can be read here.
Professor Eng. Puiu-Lucian Georgescu, PhD, State Secretary – Ministry of Research and Innovation;
Dewayne Allen Fox, PhD – Telemetry Expert – Delaware University, Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, United States of America, President – elect Tidewater Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Member of the American Fisheries Society (National, Mid-Atlantic and Tidewater Chapters);
Professor Eng. Ovidiu Nemeş, PhD – Department of Environmental Engineering and Entrepreneurship of Sustainable Development, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca;
Professors Eng. Victor Cristea, PhD – General Manager of “Romanian Center for Modeling Aquaculture Recirculating Systems”, “Dunărea de Jos” University, Galaţi, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Forestry “Gheorghe Ionescu-Sişeşti”;
Professor Eng. Neculai Patriche, Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Forestry “Gheorghe Ionescu-Siesti”, ASAS, Director of the Research and Development Institute for Aquatic Ecology, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Galati;
Professor Fokion K. Vosniakos, PhD (d. 2016), President B.EN.A. (Balkan Environmental Association). The acceptance of his reign as an honorary member of the Scientific Council on October 29, 2012 can be read here;
Professor Marta Dolezalova, PhD (d. 2013), manager of Dolexpert-Geotechnika and member of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The acceptance of his reign as an honorary member of the Scientific Council on November 30, 2012 can be read here.

The Administration Council

The INCDPM`s Administration Council is organized according to the Order of the Ministry no 4208/ 10.06.2015, as amended and supplemented and is formed from representatives of the Ministry of Research and Innovation (MCI), the Ministry of Public Finance (MFP), the Ministry of Labor and Social Justice (MMFPSPV), the Ministry of Environment (MMAP) and the representatives of the National Institute of Research and Development for Environmental Protection Bucharest. The composition of the Board of Directors, following the entry into force of the Governmental Decision no. 253/2015 and in accordance with the Order of the Minister no. 4208 / 10.06.2015, as amended and supplemented, is as follows:

DEÁK György - President of the Board of Directors / General Director of INCDPM Bucharest
MATEI Monica - President of the Scientific Council/Scientific Director INCDPM Bucharest
TEODORESCU Gabriela - Representative of the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitisation
AVRAM Irina Diana - Representative of the Ministry of Public Finance
MOROȘANU Daniela Lenuța - Representative of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection 
BOBOC Mădălina - Specialist, INCDPM Bucharest 
METIU Teodora - Specialist, Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests
HOLBAN Elena - Secretary CA, INCDPM Bucharest

The Administrative Council meets once a month, or whenever is required (in extraordinary sessions or online meetings).

Our History

   According to Governmental Decision no. 253/2015 regarding the establishment of national institutes for research and development in the fields of environmental protection, ecology and sustainable development, the re-organization of the National Institute for Research and Development in Environmental Protection Bucharest was ordered. Thus, INCDPM Bucharest continues its activity as a national research and development institute in the fields of environmental protection, biodiversity and sustainable development; as well as carrying out related research and development activities.

   In the past, the Institute was subordinated to the Ministry of the Environment and had two sub-units with legal personality: the Danube Delta National Research and Development Institute – I.N.C.D.D.D. Tulcea and the National Institute for Marine Research and Development “Grigore Antipa” – I.N.C.D.M. Constanta.

   Currently, the Institute operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Research and Innovation (the Coordinating Authority), continuing its close collaboration with the Ministry of Environment , for example, by the participation of Ministry`s  representatives as members of the INCDPM`s Board of Directors and by the participation of the INCDPM`s General Director to the Ministerial Committees and the Scientific Council of the Administration of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, as well as the elaborated projects.

   Starting with the year 2010, the Institute has expanded its research activity in the field of environmental protection by carrying out advanced studies part of its ongoing projects, respecting national and international standards, legal provisions and ethical principles. Since the same year, INCDPM is represented by its experts at various international committees such as the Risk Assessment Committee (RAC) of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), Helsinki, Finland.

Our research fields

The main areas of Research-Development-Innovation:

  • Elaboration of strategies and / or action plans in the field of environmental protection;

  • Monitoring of sturgeon species in the Lower Danube River, species that are of conservation priority in all national and international plans and strategies;

  • Monitoring of environmental factors (air, soil, water) and noise level respectively;

  • Management of hazardous and non-hazardous waste as well as secondary mineral deposits;

  • Advanced materials, including nanomaterial’s, applicable in the field of environmental protection;

  • Mathematical modeling, statistical-mathematical and physical modeling of natural or anthropogenic phenomena that impact the air, soil, water, noise and biodiversity factors;

  • Pollution risk assessment and the impact of anthropogenic activities on the quality of environmental factors;

  • Air pollution forecasts and development of pollution studies;

  • Elaboration of climate studies and research;

  • Developing solutions based on the ecosystem approach for mitigation and adaptation to the impacts of climate change;

  • Assessment of environmental behavior and ecotoxicological profile of active substances / plant protection products in the procedure for their approval in the European Union, Romania as rapporteur Member State or for placing on the market and their use on the territory of Romania;

  • Elaboration of feasibility studies, environmental impact assessment studies, environmental balances, appropriate assessment and risk assessment;

  • Elaboration of water management studies.

Quality Management System

INCDPM Bucharest carries out its activity in accordance with the Integrated Quality Management System – Environment – Information Security – Occupational Health and Occupational Safety, according to the following standards:

  • Quality Management System according to ISO 9001:2015, certificate: Q-5365/23 (QSCert);

  • Environment Management System according to ISO 14001:2015, certificate: E-5365/23 (QSCert);

  • Informational Security Management System according to ISO/IEC 27001:2013, certificate: I-5365/23 (QSCert);

  • Occupational and Health and Safety Management System according to OHSAS 18001:2007, certificate: O – 9338/18 (QSCert).

Moreover, INCDPM Bucharest has implemented the Internal Managerial Control System (IMCS) according to the Order of the General Secretariat of the Government no. 600/2018 regarding the approval of the Code of internal/managerial control of public entities published in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I no. 387 of 07.05.2018.

The management system includes a set of policies and procedures implemented by INCDPM in order to achieve the objectives in an economical, efficient and effective way, respecting current legislation and the EU Directives and, in the same time, providing a foundation for the continuous improvement of each specific area within the institute.

The INCDMP’s integrated management system is based on a single set of general procedures with application throughout the organization, operational procedures with application to one or more departments / compartments and procedures of the internal managerial control system, INCDPM being among the few institutions that have an integrated certification with such a vast range of fields and a consistent and uniform managerial control.

In addition, the institute holds the following certifications:

  • Registration Certificate in the National Register of Environmental Protection Study Developers under the Order of the Ministry of Environment no. 1026/2009 heading no 305: Environmental Reports (ER), Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Environmental Balance Reports (EB), Facility Location Report (FLR), Security Report (SR), Adequate Assessment Studies (AA);

  • Attestation Certificate no. 108/03.08.2017 for the preparation of hydrological, hydro-geological and water management studies and development documentation for obtaining water management authorization.

During 2018, INCDPM`s Water Quality Laboratory of was accredited by the National Accreditation Body (RENAR) according to SR EN ISO/IEC 17025: 2018 (Certificate of Accreditation No. LI 1202).In the future, an extension of accredited areas is going to be made.

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