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Figure 1. Wild Danube salmon (Hucho hucho (Linnaeus, 1758)) individual, captured during the monitoring actions carried out by the INCDPM experts’ team during field activities performed for the Article 17 reporting


National Institute for Research and Development in Environmental Protection:

Eng. DEÁK György Ph.D. Habil. - Ichthyology expert - Development coordinator

Ph. D. eng. Marius RAISCHI - Ichthyology expert

Geographer Călin Bogdan CENGHER - Geography expert

Eng. biol. Andrei TOGOR- Ichthyology expert

Ecol. Alexandru Dorin NICOARĂ- Ecology expert

Ecol. Ciprian Mihai PETRESCU - Ichthyology expert

Ecol. IMECS Istvan - Ichthyology expert

Ph. D. stud. ecol. NAGY András Attila - Ichthyology expert

Ph. D. biol. Nicolae CRĂCIUN - Ichthyology expert

Eng. phy. Dorin HANGANU - Ichthyology expert

Ph. D. biol. FALKA Istvan - Ichthyology expert

Ph. D. ecol. Elena HOLBAN - Ichthyology expert

Ph. D. stud. biol. Răzvan MATACHE - Ichthyology expert

Ph. D. eng. Monica MATEI - Climate changes expert/ecosystem services

Eng. Natalia RAISCHI - Biodiversity expert/ecosystem services

Ec. Mădălina Georgiana BOBOC - Information & awareness expert

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The Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests has approved the ORDER No 581 of 27 February 2023 the "NATIONAL ACTION PLAN FOR THE CONSERVATION OF HUCHEN - Hucho hucho", published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, No 230 of 21 March 2023.

The National action plan was elaborated by the researchers of the National Institute for Research and Development in Environmental Protection Bucharest, consisting of 11 ichthyology experts, 1 geography expert, 1 ecology expert, 1 climate change/ecosystem services expert, 1 biodiversity and ecosystem services expert and 1 IT&C expert, coordinated by the General Director of INCDPM, Eng. Deak Gyorgy, PhD Habil.

On a global approach, the species is classified within the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species as endangered (EN- endangered). The huchen is also listed in Annexes II and V of the European Council Directive 92/43 EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora.

Figure 2. Distribution map of the Huchen in Romania, in relation to the hydrographic network, sites of Community importance, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species reported distributions and presence categories (extinct, extant, reintroduced and recent findings). Credits: Biol. Laurentiu Burlacu

At national level, the species is listed in Annex 3 (Species of plants and animals whose conservation requires the designation of special conservation areas and special protection areas for avifauna) and Annex 4B (Species of national interest, species of animals and plants requiring strict protection) of GEO no. 57/2007 on the regime of natural protected areas, conservation of natural habitats, wild flora and fauna. The species is also listed in Law no. 13 of 11/03/1993, Annex III, for Romania's accession to the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats, adopted in Bern on 19 September 1979.

The Red Book of Vertebrates from Romania, classifies the huchen as critically endangered (CR), with the main threats represented by: poor management, fragmentation and isolation of populations, reduced viability of existing populations, illegal fishing, habitat degradation or disturbance by anthropogenic activities.

The plan proposes the following objectives:

O1. To achieve and maintain a favourable conservation status by securing the favourable conservation status for natural habitats and the adequate population size of huchens in the refuge rivers in Romania;

O2. To ensure the connectivity of populated habitats and the genetic quality of the huchen population at national level;

O3. Increase the population of the species through artificial breeding and restocking;

O4. Rationale for management measures;

O5. Education, information and communication on the importance of the huchen for biodiversity and species management at local, regional and national level.


NATIONAL ACTION PLAN of 27 February 2023:


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